Becoming a high performing female doesn’t come without hard work or its fair share of challenges.

Reaching financial success is something to be proud of… but it’s not everything.

No matter how much money you make, if you’re not feeling aligned, fulfilled, and happy, what’s it all for anyway?

Feeling stuck in a place of “is this it for me?” is a tough place to be in.

You might feel:
  • Fearful of going off the paved path you’re on.
  • A sense of heaviness and “forced” energy throughout your day.
  • Anxious, resentful, and distracted when interacting with managers and colleagues.
  • Like you never have “enough” and are always wanting more, no matter how much financial success and freedom you have.
  • Unclear about what you really want next.
  • Not excited about what comes next on your path.
  • Unsure what you want to do next in your career, yet you know there’s something greater out there for you, a better fit and a different path, but you don’t know what it is yet.
  • Like when you reach the top, you still want more and something new.
  • Like you’re always giving 150% to your job, but you tell yourself to just push through and “learn from the challenge,” until you realize that what you’re doing isn't making you happy.
  • Completely burnt out.
  • A certain level of imposter syndrome.

Feeling stuck in a place of “is this it for me?” is a tough place to be in.

You might feel:
  • Fearful of going off the paved path you’re on.
  • A sense of heaviness and “forced” energy throughout your day.
  • Anxious, resentful, and distracted when interacting with managers and colleagues.
  • Like you never have “enough” and are always wanting more, no matter how much financial success and freedom you have.
  • Unclear about what you really want next.
  • Not excited about what comes next on your path.
  • Unsure what you want to do next in your career, yet you know there’s something greater out there for you, a better fit and a different path, but you don’t know what it is yet.
  • Like when you reach the top, you still want more and something new.
  • Like you’re always giving 150% to your job, but you tell yourself to just push through and “learn from the challenge,” until you realize that what you’re doing isn't making you happy.
  • Completely burnt out.
  • A certain level of imposter syndrome.

Deep down, you know you need to make a change,

to take charge of the path you’re on, and to find more balance, peace, and fulfillment in your life.

You just need that support to help you get there, to get unstuck, to move past the disconnection you’re experiencing in your current path, and to redefine what freedom really looks like to you. 

Are you a high performing female leader who’s reached financial success, but you’re ready to renegotiate your relationships with success, money, and time to live in more joy, alignment, and balance?

Let’s take the first step together!

apply to work with me

My coaching approach.

For so long, I was only approaching my life and career decisions based on logic, numbers, and what I thought “made sense” in my head. It wasn’t until I attended that life-changing spiritual retreat and hired my first coach that I realized that there is so much more to decision-making than logic and listening to your head. You can’t forget to tap into your heart and the signs the Universe sends your soul. 

That’s why my coaching approach is a unique blend of both - the head and the heart. 

Through our work together, you’ll learn to make aligned decisions that not only make sense for you financially and for the career path you want to be on, but also for your life, health, and happiness.

Together, we’ll work through my 3 signature pillars:







Coaching Options

Are you ready to work through these 3 powerful pillars with me so you can take control of your path, get unstuck, and move past the disconnection you’re experiencing in your current role?  

As your coach, I’m not here to give you all the answers - all of the answers are found within you.

I’m here to guide you to discover who you are at your core, what you want for your life, and what you want your future path to look and feel like. 

I’m here to ask the hard questions so you can renegotiate your relationships with success, money, and time and define what freedom really means to you. 

In our coaching sessions,

I’ll help you work through your past experiences, struggles, and challenges to uncover what it is that’s held you back in the past (so you can avoid them in the future!).  

With this knowledge in mind, we’ll work together to form your foundation for the future that’s in alignment with your purpose and values. 

Your wellbeing, peace, and joy is at the forefront of everything we do together, because in the end, that is the ultimate goal - to live a life of purpose, on purpose!

Coaching Options

Are you ready to work through these 3 powerful pillars with me so you can take control of your path, get unstuck, and move past the disconnection you’re experiencing in your current role?

As your coach, I’m not here to give you all the answers - all of the answers are found within you.

I’m here to guide you to discover who you are at your core, what you want for your life, and what you want your future path to look and feel like.

I’m here to ask the hard questions so you can renegotiate your relationships with success, money, and time and define what freedom really means to you.

In our coaching sessions,

I’ll help you work through your past experiences, struggles, and challenges to uncover what it is that’s held you back in the past (so you can avoid them in the future!).

With this knowledge in mind, we’ll work together to form your foundation for the future that’s in alignment with your purpose and values.

Your wellbeing, peace, and joy is at the forefront of everything we do together, because in the end, that is the ultimate goal - to live a life of purpose, on purpose!

1:1 and Group Coaching


Work through the 3 signature pillars with me in either a 1:1 or group coaching capacity. In these coaching sessions, my goal is for your needs and desires to drive our work together.  

These sessions can encompass any of the following topics:

  • Leadership / Career
  • Life / Relationships
  • Change / Growth Mindset
  • Money / Finances
  • Lifestyle / Balance


With Marita’s guidance, I have changed my mindset and focused on financial hygiene without triggering a panic attack. I now feel more capable of achieving my dreams and breaking free from generational trauma left behind. Marita’s coaching is holistic, so I was able to apply it to all aspects of my life (career, relationships, etc). I am embracing what financial freedom and time feels and looks like for me – this is huge for someone who couldn’t even manifest a list of her own desires!


Working with Marita has been so helpful for me both personally and professionally. I started off working with Marita 1:1 on my personal finance goals and she really helped me make mindset shifts that I knew were holding me back but wasn't quite sure on how to fix. It's definitely still a work in progress because true change takes time but I know I have the tools and support to succeed in my goals. This 1:1 support and mindset shifts led me to working with Marita again in a group setting on my professional goals. The biggest shift I've seen here is my own accountability. I'm finally taking action on ideas and plans I've had in the back of my mind for years now! The group setting has been so much fun and Marita is a fantastic facilitator! I can't recommend Marita highly enough in both a group and a 1:1 setting. 


Are You Ready To Live A Life Of Purpose, On Purpose?

inquire about working with me